False Ceiling Estimate #1122

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False Ceiling Design #1122
False Ceiling Design #1122

False Ceiling Cost ₹43,046

False Ceiling Price1₹160/sq.ft
Plain Ceiling Cost2₹9,600
Design Layers3₹7,680
Add-ons  ? ₹19,200
GST (18%)₹6,566
Level Clearance6 Inches
Active Job Duration5-7 Days
1. Gyproc® ceiling with painting & lighting. 2. Plain Ceiling: 60 sq.ft (10' x 6'). 3. Design Layers: 48 sq.ft.

Add-ons Detail

  • CNC Panel: ₹1200 x 16 sq.ft₹19,200

What is add-ons? The false ceiling bundle pack includes LED rope lights for cove design layers and up to 4 LED panel lights for every 100 sq.ft of plain ceiling layers. Additional products or services required for the false ceiling design are considered add-ons!

False Ceiling Design ID: 1122


False ceiling price from ₹48/sq.ft

With medium gauge G.I channels & 12.5mm thick gypsum boards in Chennai.  Website » 

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