Design Layer Area Calculator

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Total: 0.00 Sq.Ft
Layer Shape*
Layer Type*
Length (Feet)*
Width (Feet)*

Uses of this design layer area calculator

Using this design layer area calculator, you can calculate some false ceiling design layers' area in sq.ft for the additional layers that offset from the walls.

How to calculate design layers area?

To calculate circle or oval shape false ceiling design layers, select the layer shape Circle / Oval > select the layer type whether you want to box or cove > enter the layer's length and width into the respective fields and hit the calculate button.

To calculate square or rectangle shape false ceiling design layers, select the layer shape Square / Rectangle > select the layer type whether you want to box or cove > enter the layer's length and width into the respective fields and hit the calculate button.

To calculate outlined circle or oval shape false ceiling design layers, select the layer shape Circle / Oval (Outlined) > select the layer type whether you want to box or cove > enter the layer's length and width into the respective fields > enter the bottom width of the extruded portion of the box or cove layer in inches and hit the calculate button.

To calculate outlined square or rectangle shape false ceiling design layers, select the layer shape Square / Rectangle (Outlined) > select the layer type whether you want to box or cove > enter the layer's length and width into the respective fields > enter the bottom width of the extruded portion of the box or cove layer in inches and hit the calculate button.

Features and uses

 M+  To add the total quantity to the total sq.ft.

 M-  To subtract the total quantity from the total sq.ft.

 MC  To clear the memory and reset the total sq.ft to zero.

 Main Ceilings  To switch into the main false ceiling area calculator.


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